Healing energy movement
Quantum Coaching
Reconnect to your true potential!

Become the best version of yourself
Free yourself from your blockages, fears and regain power over your life!
Our thought patterns are linked to our subconscious, these condition our thoughts, reactions, beliefs, blockages, fears, in short, they condition our lives and our daily lives!
And the good news is that it is possible to deprogram what is negative and toxic within us.
By following our program based on neuro-quantum programming, you regain power over your life by freeing yourself from erroneous thought patterns and limiting beliefs.

Achieve your goals
Develop "your" true potential
Who are we really?
What is our true nature?
What are our real aspirations?
According to Albert Einstein “Everyone is a genius. Mais si vous jugez un poisson sur ses capacités à grimper à un arbre_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_, he will spend his whole life believing that he is stupid”
Which means that each person is different, each person is unique, each person has their own nature, personality, talent and potential. Quantum coaching teaches you to stop wanting to look like others, or fit the mold of society. But rather to get to know you and explore all the wonderful potential that lies within you.
Quantum coaching is;
* Getting to know each other
*Change your vision, beliefs and thought patterns.
* Discover your talent, your potential, and how to develop it.
*Learn to anchor, focus and concentrate.
* Learn to love, esteem, and respect yourself.
*How to increase self-confidence, happiness, abundance.
*Optimize your brain, understand your emotions, learn to communicate in a non-violent way.
* Breathing exercises, visualization, meditation and relaxation.
"L'écoute, le non jugement et la bienveillance est au fondement de mon approche de soin et d'accompagnement.
Laissez-moi vous aider à découvrir comment surmonter vos peurs et vivre la vie
que vous méritez".
HEM Healing c'est :
Le choix de choisir le service qui vous correspond, des séances individuelles, accompagnements personnalisés et formations pour ceux et celles qui souhaitent comprendre en profondeur la technique HEM.

Séance de soin
Les séances de soin se déroulent
en présentiel ou en ligne.
Suite a une séance, un diagnostique va être transmis afin d'explorer les cause et origines :
*Mémoires toxiques
*Programmes, schémas neuronaux négatifs.v
* Blocages, trauma.
* Etat émotionnel
*Lignée ancestrale
*Ligne quantique, karmique
*Libération, guérison,
Ré-équilibrage, harmonisation
des chakras.
*Ligne de vie

HEM vous accompagne dans votre quotidien avec des séances personnalisées, nous avançons pas à pas ensemble avec des outils que vous allez intégrer dans votre quotidien, des exercices de développement personnel afin de vous guider vers votre épanouissement .
Ma méthode d'accompagnement :
Tout commence par la concentration sur les objectifs que vous souhaitez atteindre.
Ensuite vous réfléchirez sur ce qui peut vous bloquez et comment surmonter les obstacles.
De nouveaux outils facile et performant a
intégrer dans votre quotidien vous sont transmit.
La dernière étape !
Vous apprenez a appliquer tout
les nouveaux outils qui vous sont transmit.
Souriez c'est un nouveau départ qui commence !
L'accompagnement Coaching Quantic Energy comprend des séances de soin,
des échanges et partages en live, des documents, pdf, audio, video pour intégrer une nouvelle façon de ressentir, de penser et d'agir en harmonie avec votre véritable être intérieur.

La formation @HEM Healing Energy Movement permet une pleine compréhension de la nature de l’énergie, et comment l’utiliser.
Comment développer
ses facultés, s’aligner à sa supra-conscience et libérer notre propre potentiel, comme la clairvoyance et d’utiliser nos capacités afin décoder les blocages, et de rééquilibrer et harmoniser les corps subtils, les centres énergétiques, le plan physique, émotionnel et mental.
Lors des séances HEM nous explorons les différentes mémoires qui sont à l'origine des blocages et dysfonctionnements afin de les conscientiser et ainsi activer le processus de
libération. C’est une merveilleuse opportunité de mieux nous comprendre, de pouvoir atteindre une harmonisation globale en nous mais aussi dans notre vie, dans nos relations, afin de pouvoir nous sentir créateur/créatrice de notre vie.
What is it ?
Le secret..c'est l'énergie
@Healing Energy Movement
Hlike "healing", taking care of yourself, others and our environment.
H as holistic, because each effect has a cause, an origin, like each aspect, each part of this world is part of and depends on a globality.
Eas energy, because in reality, everything is energy, we are energy, everything around us is too. What differentiates the appearance, and the shape, from the vegetable world to the animal world, from the animal to the human while also passing through objects?
The difference is the frequency, the vibration of the object, plant, animal or human, which will densify the atoms differently because everything is organized, and is organized according to the information that is constantly exchanged and interacting in our material and immaterial space. . We can compare this with the waves of telephone, wifi which are emitted and received all around us, which are captured and decrypted by our smartphones, but with the naked eye, we cannot see them.
Mas movement, because everything is movement, of the infinitely small, like a cell, or an atom that performs a circular circle like a dance.
At the infinitely large with our universe, each planet performs the same round, perpetuating this movement to infinity.
Movement is life, according to a very specific order that we will call rhythm, beat.

Quantum healing, un journey to oneself
Your needs are our priority
Quantum Energy Healing
In an office where a distance quantum care makes it possible to resolve the origin, the cause of a physical (pain), psychic and emotional effect (blockage, trauma, fear, etc.)
Thanks to a reading of the field
bio-informational of the body, the treatment will cleanse, release, balance, harmonize and energize the body and mind.
List of care:
-Chakra alignment
Subtle bodies, electromagnetic fields, pole -/+.
- Unblocking of knots, energy blockages which are 99% the cause of physical, psychic and emotional blockages.
- Deprogramming of traumas, shocks, memories of our present life, ancestral memories (lignée familiale)
and past lives (karmic).
-Re-connection a self, a his true self, our inner being, our soul.
With the release and development of our inner capacities.
*Energy treatments are also open for children.
* Pregnant women for pregnancy preparation,
an energetic cleansing, a harmonization of mother-child energies, also father-mother-child.
Energy care is offered for our friends animals and plants.
Formule unique
HEM'heal 4h/mois
Devenez H' membre
5 a 15% réduction, avantages,
Quantum Coaching
Réaliser vos profondes aspirations
en devenant la personne de vos rêves !
Quantum coaching is a regular accompaniment, the goal of which is personal development.
The 1st step will be to establish an energy diagnosis, making it possible to define the essential needs of the person, their strong and weak points, which parts need to be treated and re- balance and how develop the person's full potential by focusing on their abilities. Quantum coaching is about re-connecting with your true self and discerning what are our true aspirations which, once realized, lead us to happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction, of the desires of our mental-ego.
Intuitive guidance
Zephira offers guidance for those who are asking questions about their life, the meaning of their life, their soul mission.
Sometimes we can't find the answers to our questions, we feel lost, disoriented. We often go through "crossroads" in our lives, which are transitions for deep changes. We then need to re-connect to á ourselves to find out what suits us and thus make the right choices.
This guidance is based on a reading in line with the present moment, on a near or distant future.
The purpose of intuitive guidance is to give advice so that what is taking shape in the near future will come true in the best possible conditions, by raising awareness of what is positive but also what we need to change in our lives, with the aim of regaining control of our daily lives.
Thus, success and success manifests itself in all areas of our lives.
They trusted us